The hierarchical rank symbol used within a systematized way of organizing specific objects.
Damn he’s a DD.
by Snbfxfbb3556 March 5, 2023
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The hierarchical rank symbol used within a systematized way of organizing specific objects.
He’s a DD.
by Snbfxfbb3556 March 5, 2023
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I haven’t had dick in so long I’m “DD”
by Partygirl7348 September 29, 2021
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dick destruction (dd), occasionally known as typing sda and not sdb, convert and copy, or bruh moment, is a sexual activity involving the destruction of your precious by your own command in *nix Operating Systems.
Person 1: Hey, how's the disk duplication going?
Person 2: Terrible, I just ran dd on the wrong drive!
by KnucklesTheEchidna2399 June 14, 2022
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DD is a very wise person. That dont let nobody fuck with him or his friends. Very strong and can be mean if somebody come at him wrong
Damn DD.
by By : magicmike May 12, 2022
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