A sideways shirt is something you do to go against the norm. It is something that is abnormal but you do it just to say, "Fuck the system".
"I don't like sugar in my coffee."
"I don't know, it's my sideways shirt"
by jadedkitty July 20, 2016
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when someone says that you are smoking SideWays, that usually means that you're mind isn't clear and that you are getting annoying, crazy, or they simply don't agree with you.
Person 1: ___ was a great movie!

Person 2: you're smoking sideways or some shit dude.
by immortalgoat March 7, 2018
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A mullett is business in the front and party (or something else) in the back. Sideways Corona Mullett (or SCM) is when you work from home with business attire on the top and something not so business like on the bottom. It works for video conference calls as long as you do not get up.
Her: Aren't you working from home today? Why are you wearing pajama pants with a shirt and tie?
Him: Sideways Corona Mullett... no one is gonna see the pants.

Him: Why are you wearing sweats with your best blouse?
Her: SCM baby.
Him: We are cutting the laundry bill in half!
by jfburke619 March 30, 2020
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Nathan: I'm getting fat as fuck.
Drayton: Nah man, you're not fat, your just sideways tall.
by Haluci-N8 July 21, 2018
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yet another term for a vagina , generally an ausrtalian term
im going home to poke me missus in the sideways slanteye
by bvvvvt January 19, 2012
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another way to describe sex or having intercourse
Kyle: So did you do it?
Mark: Do what?
Kyle: You know, the sideways boogie, the big nasty, go to town, get it on, sex?
Mark: Bro you know I did.
by brianeno April 21, 2011
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