A severe form of fungal infection paralyzing the barse and balls of the Russian fighters in Ukraine. Reported to be having a major impact on troops morale with many soldiers sending up the white flag 🏳 rather than suffering prolonged exposure.

Background: When Vladimir Putin launched his special operation in Donbass he failed to equip his fighting force with adequate santiary provisions resulting in widespread outbreak of this dangerous inflammation on the privates privates.

From a fighting force of over 90,000 men, as of April 15 2022, not one pair of clean underpants 🩲 was available for the brave Russian infantry.

Some trenches have reported angry puss filled welts the size of snooker balls and desperate soldiers are now diverting much needed drinking water towards washing their fetid undies for fear of the infection spreading.

Although the rash can be treated with calamine lotion and sudacrem, these items are among the first to be looted by the invading force and are rumoured to be trading on the black market for $100 per scoop.
Oh mate, I've been driving this tank for 3 days my baws are so itchy! You might want to have yourself a little shower Sergei and try washing your undies, sounds to me like you might have an easy onset case of the dreaded Donbass Nappy Rash. 🏳
by The shoots April 20, 2022
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Suggested lyrics for a death-metal song which should be played on a spark transmitter which spams the entire radio area of the electromagnetic spectrum, and puritanical dictators heads will be strapped to the biggest, loudest speaker at the metal concert until they get the concept of true freedom through their lead-shielded skull.
<guitar strum> "nappy-headed ho! opression rots! nappy-headed ho!" <screaming anti-praise for Satan> "the joy and righteousness of selling Cuban cigars to 10 year olds!"<etc>.

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An overweight, crooked toothed, hooker with physical features similar to that of a California Condor or average vulture. Species has a distinct odor emitting form the crotch area.
See also Beth Taylor. Can be found in the tropical cliamtes of Wichita Kansas. Proceed with caution
by Anonymous October 7, 2003
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Another word for the vagina, aka:
axe wound, box, coochie, cooze, cunt, figa (Italian), Gyna, Holiest of holies, pussy, slit, snatch, twat, etcetera etcetera... made famous in the movie 'Friday', and likely never heard outside of that film.
Its all 'bout da snappy nappy dug-out. Gotsta get dat pussy!
by Cunninglinguist69 July 31, 2006
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An article of clothing worn by a poor or twisted homosexual gentleman to allow him :

1. the senstion of his, and others, baby-gravy against his brown-eye.
2. to stifle the leakage of his boyfriend's population paste from the chocolate donut.
I hear Dave is so broke these days that he has had to resort to wearing a second hand spunky nappy of Jason's. He's mixing the goo round back.
by Bobbles22 April 18, 2008
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A term used to describe Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in a nasty way due to pictures of Biden sniffing little kids surfacing and Harris known to be sleeping with older married men in order to advance in her political career.
Trump had the election stolen from him. No way I'm gonna support Pedo Joe and the Nappy Headed Hoe
by TommyNoleBuc June 6, 2021
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When a person's face & hair is so nappy and they still act like they are complete hotties!
Skyler: "Man look at Kailei."
Brian: " She's so nappy."
Stetsen: "She has a bad case of NHFS (Nappy Hoe Face Syndrome)"
by Wolf Pack Minus One July 14, 2011
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