3 definitions by Cunninglinguist69

This phrase is an adjective used to describe someone who's demeanor is so cool that if you don't like them, there is something wrong with you; a literal description based on waking up at night, flipping your pillow, and the coolness making you feel so good you fall back to sleep.
Chris? Oh that dude is the shit! He's cooler than the other side of the pillow.
by Cunninglinguist69 July 31, 2006
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"floating on a cloud of titties" is an expression used to convey a comfortable feeling of utter ecstasy in one's state of being.
Holy shit this X is AWESOME!! I feel like I'm floating on a cloud of titties.
by Cunninglinguist69 July 31, 2006
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Another word for the vagina, aka:
axe wound, box, coochie, cooze, cunt, figa (Italian), Gyna, Holiest of holies, pussy, slit, snatch, twat, etcetera etcetera... made famous in the movie 'Friday', and likely never heard outside of that film.
Its all 'bout da snappy nappy dug-out. Gotsta get dat pussy!
by Cunninglinguist69 July 31, 2006
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