When you let someone make there own choice. Even though the right thing to do is go cuddle and watch a movie.
by Chzburger December 28, 2016
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Q: Where’s Steve?

A: He’s calling the Kremlin.

Q: Hope he lights a match in there. We had burritos for lunch.
by Manolo Cartegeña March 1, 2022
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A shitty FPS from the Call of Duty series where there is literally only one good mission (yeah the sniping one) and in multiplayer you get killed by a grenade before the screen even lights up.
by JigglesTheDog June 26, 2017
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Thot calling is when female post something on their story risky begging for attention
Me:bro did you see that girls story last night

Bro:yeah bro she was Thot calling
by kingjaythefirst May 4, 2021
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The process of accepting as many logged problems as possible in a given accounting period in order to make your colleagues look like ass monglers
The Dudley crew are always call-grabbing.
by Eggbert Observer February 25, 2003
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This is when someone attempts to make a booty call, but overdoes it by calling too often on the same night.
That girl did a stalker booty call yesterday, she must have called me like 13 times.
by TheBelgian September 3, 2012
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A late night summons -- often made via telephone -- to arrange clandestine bachata dance liaisons on an ad hoc basis.
-OMG girl guess who called me out of the blue late last night wanting to come over my house?


-It was jo! Girl I haven't talk to him in weeks, but I let him come over. It was a total bachata call, but it was fun! I learnt so many new steps!
by jo fara May 28, 2018
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