That one guy who was on that Slap Chop Ad who got fired and put in prison for prostitution.
"I used Slap Chop until i figured out that the host of the commercial got fired for prostitution"
by Tony GuizzettiKingTG April 13, 2017
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Main Entry: Ball Slapp·ing
Function: Adjective
Etymology: American Slang
1: Loud slapping sound created during intense sexual intercourse as the balls bang against a lovers body.
by T.A.S. March 16, 2005
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A bet where no money or property is involved, and the prize for losing is getting to slap the loser across the face. Excellent for bets of extreme importance.
A slap bet is often monitored by a slap bet commissioner, that regulates the rules of said bet.
"Joe cried after he lost his slap bet"
"In a matter of this importance, only a slap bet will do"
by mrcool November 22, 2006
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the act in which Twitter prevents a user from publishing more then 140 characters. Other forms include twit-slapping, twit-slapped, twit-slapee, twit-slapper
Harold had a great day, but he could not summarize it without being twit-slapped.
by mcandp2 July 19, 2010
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The Ben slap is a kinky sex move. To perform the Ben slap during doggy or anal the man must ejaculate into his palm and slap the females face without her knowing. While she is surprised you whisper "I am the cook" or "I'm your daddy into her ear.
by Kinkymemesforwetdreams September 7, 2017
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the noise/action of an erect penis bouncing from an eager male's boxer shorts onto his stomach when he's about to be given a hand/blow job
ooo, he's hot, i'd like to give him a bit of boing slap
by boingslap July 12, 2011
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Gyrating your flaccid man meat back and forth and up and down in rapid fashion while slapping your girl's face with it from every direction. With the proper length and girth, should sound like a piece of raw meat hitting a cutting board.
Tina was begging to try something new last night so I gave her the old butcher's slap. She really enjoyed it.
by Eaton Holgoode March 24, 2017
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