Keep Calm and Carry On was a motivational poster produced by the British government in 1939 in preparation for World War II. The poster was intended to raise the morale of the British public, threatened with widely predicted mass air attacks on major cities.
by HoiDAEn October 6, 2020
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Keep Calm and Carry On was a motivational poster produced by the British government in 1939 in preparation for World War II. The poster was intended to raise the morale of the British public, threatened with widely predicted mass air attacks on major cities
by HoiDAEn October 6, 2020
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(n.) The time during a woman's first pregnancy during which nobody talks about the baby or being pregnant for maybe 2 seconds. This calm, almost eerie silence, usually occurring early in the 3rd trimester, is soon shattered by childbirth and the spirit-crushing, torrential shit storm that follows.

See Also: That part in "Deep Blue Sea" when people start getting eaten, but Samuel L. Jackson and the rest of the survivors find a minute to collect themselves and make an escape plan, and Samuel L. Jackson is giving a speech about how they have to unite to escape the genetically-mutated, super-intelligent sharks, but then, suddenly, one of the aforementioned genetically-mutated, super-intelligent sharks jumps out of the water and bites him in half.
Though it seemed for the time being that everybody had stopped speculating about his unborn child's future athletic prowess, physical attributes, and the huge amount of responsibility it takes to raise a child, the man was not fooled.

He knew that it was just the calm before the stork.
by Consopite April 29, 2011
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Another interesting way to say 'Calm the hell down'
Micheal: -is freaking out over some random unimportant matter-

Brandon: yo, man! Calm your skeets about it!
by SketchB10 January 13, 2012
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When your mamma relaxes you for something bad that happens to you.
I just got fired. I needed a mom calm, just needed to talk thing out, and now I'm ready for more!
by Ereck Flowers November 13, 2018
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Calming a person with african american ethnicity as a joke.
Tyrone: "I'm going to brutally end your life!"
Jake: "woah calm down jamal dont pull out the 9 haha!"
Tyrone: "Thanks for calming me down man! I really appreciate it!"
by TheWorldo June 14, 2023
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Calm Classic is a term used generally used when referring to something nostalgic of you or someone else's past.
Person 1: Man I remember when we were kids and jumping in leaf piles in the fall.

Person 2: Yeah thats a calm Classic
by Yee yee skee September 30, 2021
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