thick ass rat juice and Delicious YUMMM. eat it right down the middle to the tail mmmm tastes as good as your mama did
"did you here what Julian did to that rat "
"yeah it sounded like he did a tar"
by OLD RAT ASSCAKES August 11, 2020
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When a bully is bullying you and he/she makes you chew tar.
"Damn! Reggie Nelson is chewing tar after Greg Giraldo's last roast!"
by Greggy Greg March 8, 2016
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when you heat your semen up, and stick it to your partner's heel.
by DumbFurry March 8, 2016
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The liquidy waste released from ones bowels when they're suffering from dirrea and theres nothing left in the tank
"Im gonna beat the tar piss out of you."

"My stomach was a mess all night, nothing but tar piss"
by Sigmund fraud December 20, 2020
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When you blow a load of semon on someone's face and then throw confetti and/or glitter on them.
by The Godlewski Shiner household February 20, 2016
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A sperm bank that has predominately african american doners.
"I was going to donate, but i had to leave. It was a tar lab in there!"
by ItsYoteThePlatypus January 5, 2018
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Refers to either:
(1) The correct way to pave a road (i.e., to evenly spread/roll asphalt and then neatly angle-smooth the edges)
(2) What "they" will do to you is you do a sorry-a** job of said paving.
D.O.T. foreman: The citizens in this area are really touchy about having their hard-won tax-dollars used for re-surfacing their main street, so I'd better see that my crew does a good job of it if we don't want them to tar 'n' feather us afterwards.
by QuacksO August 9, 2018
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