by larstait October 15, 2003
a lone wondering person often called a drifter or a loner, unable to fit in regular socity and has no stationary home
by Captain_Pudge April 14, 2005
a wanderer belonging to no fixed place or home, someone who straggles from place to place, a tramp or degenerate.
by ANONAMOUS999 April 13, 2010
This is when women spend quality time bonding with their vagina. It is such an important time because it really helps women up their self-esteem and make them feel better about themselves.
She couldn't go out to eat because she had a vagabond last night. Just some pure, quality time. What a strong women!
by Courtnie :P February 27, 2010
One who wanders aimlessly in life, nomadic, homeless, a lost cause, bum, hobo. One who may own a corduroy jacket with dirty sheep skin on the interior. In rare cases this person may posses the name Steincold.
by Greg Alexander November 17, 2005
by Greg Alexander November 12, 2005
Vagabond - :verb
- Since of style. This person is very carefree, they were clothes simply out of comfort, and versatility . . and happen to be fashionable .. which makes their style effortless.
A Vagabond is a free spirit and rarely ever cares about anyone's opinion about them.
To master this look you have to abandon all fashion rules and dress to comfort, being able to mix texture , prints , and fabric is KEY !
- Since of style. This person is very carefree, they were clothes simply out of comfort, and versatility . . and happen to be fashionable .. which makes their style effortless.
A Vagabond is a free spirit and rarely ever cares about anyone's opinion about them.
To master this look you have to abandon all fashion rules and dress to comfort, being able to mix texture , prints , and fabric is KEY !
by Briiitesfaye August 15, 2014