When conservatives decided what is “woke” based on if it is successful or not like when the Barbie movie released people said it was woke but then when it made a billion dollars people decided it wasn’t
Person1: ew the Barbie movie is about feminism it will have a 70% drop of on the second week go woke go broke person 2: we will see about it. 1 week later. Person 2: the Barbie movie just became Warner bros. Highest grossing film so much for go woke go broke. Person 1: actually it was not that woke. Person 2: omg you are an example of Schrödinger's Wokeness
by Nooneknows69420 August 29, 2023
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Code that is never executed might be perfectly bug-free, or it might be spaghetti. Until it is built and a full suite of tests is run against it, there is absolutely no way to know which state it’s in.
John Doe: "Was that code ever run?"
Diana: "No..."
John Doe: "Then it's Schrödinger's Code"
by Rakuand June 6, 2018
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The theory that you know everything until you ask a question.

Someone with Schrödingers Knowledge would never have asked any questions and has the brain of a rock
Person 1 “jimmy is really weird, he never does anything or says anything.”
Person 2 “That’s because Jimmy has Schrödingers knowledge. He knows everything there is to know until he asks a question.”
by Closet Gayng October 21, 2021
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When your self-esteem exists in a quantum state of uncertainty until determined by the number on the scale.
by Inevshsjsjshx November 2, 2021
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Schrödinger's Cat is thought experiment that shows something called superposition, with a box, a cat, some poison (or radiation, or bomb, or whatever, it is just supposed to kill the cat), and a object that could read a particle's spin. Erwin Schrödinger thought that if you put a cat in a box with something that could harm them, and you can't see inside the box, the cat is both dead and alive all at the same time.
Will you PLEASE STOP TALKING ABOUT Schrödinger's Cat, BILLY?
by Owlss June 13, 2022
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A nightmare I had back in the early 2010's.

The big, black Schrödinger's Cat jumped on my head.

I woke up.
A big, black Schrödinger's Cat jumped on my head in my dreams last night. I was terrified.
by Vita Smart July 15, 2022
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Someone who will completely whore themself out, but only for one person.
Girl: “I would be a whore for you and you only.”
Guy: “What are you, Schrödinger’s Whore?”
by MF Star Boy May 24, 2022
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