7 definitions by Closet Gayng

Bobby: “do you lick your fingers after eating KFC?”
Brandon: “Fuck No. That shit is Not Finger Lickin Good”
Bobby: “Alrighty Then
by Closet Gayng February 7, 2021
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Something you either need massive balls to do or zero brains.
Example with no brains

Bobby “Why is that guy riding a motorcycle with no helmet at 130 mile per hour (209 Kilometers per hour)?”
Brandon “That’s because he has a bad case of Balls No Brains

Example with huge balls

Bobby “damn! That guy just punched one of the robbers in the face, too bad he’s about to get shot.”
Brandon “That guys got a serious Balls No Brains way of thinking.”
by Closet Gayng October 21, 2021
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Bobby: “what do you think of Ohio?”
Brandon: “you know what I think of Ohio. It sucks ass.”
Bobby: “You only say that because you’re from Michigan.”
Brandon: “I only say that cause I’m right. Also Michigan is Better Than Ohio.”
by Closet Gayng February 7, 2021
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One (Usually decrepit and disgusting) individual who spends an unusually large amount of time at Walmart.
Bobby “Wow that lady is fucking weird looking. Why is she always here?”
Brandon “She is simply a Walmart Dweller. If you don’t bother her, don’t worry. She’ll be sure to bother you.”
by Closet Gayng October 21, 2021
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The theory that you know everything until you ask a question.

Someone with Schrödingers Knowledge would never have asked any questions and has the brain of a rock
Person 1 “jimmy is really weird, he never does anything or says anything.”
Person 2 “That’s because Jimmy has Schrödingers knowledge. He knows everything there is to know until he asks a question.”
by Closet Gayng October 21, 2021
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Bobby: “Hey Brandon, did you here about Austin”
Brandon: “Yea he’s Really Retarded. I heard that he plugged an extension cord into itself and thought it would make more energy.”
Bobby: “Damn that’s crazy. We’re in 9th fuckin grade.”
by Closet Gayng February 7, 2021
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