A fucking retard who sucks big dick, "Peters" is usually a last name of a homosexual man.
He likes to get some head
Gibbon Peters: Yo bro hi
Fortnite Squeaker: wtf bro u seem homo
Gibbon Peters: yep im a Peters
by Cavaze December 19, 2018
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Celtic Slang for someone who blatantly likes to discredit and disgrace his fellow colleagues regardless of evidence to enhance the size of his dimunitive penis. Can also be used as a verb to describe the action of becoming an axe wound.

1.) That twat is such a peters.

2.) Did u see Alexander get peters'd at the samurai exhibition?

OR I saw Alexander getting peters'd when he fell into the axe stand!
by Revenge101 October 23, 2006
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a peters is a shit cunt butchers bitch that can't fish or shot a tree to save his life
girl- see that peters over there he talks more shit then his ass hole
by fuckenshazzar December 5, 2016
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that guy who is always depressed and has no friends and his family hates him
you are a peter
by ff January 15, 2020
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a large cave troll like creature who has ammonites for nipples and coal seams for eyebrows. the peter oftens sports umbro brand clothing and has a strange preference for orange clothin. it is more commonly known as the 'pedro' or the 'pedrock'
guy 1 "what the hell is that?"
guy 2 "thats a peter"
by moe stiffy February 11, 2010
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A style of hairstyle similiar to the beiber but with more weight on top. Ussually defined as the perfect hairstyle for shorter people.
I went to the hairdresser and she gave me the peter. I am so happy.
by A Leprechaun is short September 21, 2010
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