mass-produced "punk", "goth", and "rockabily" clothing in order to erase individuality from the face of the earth.
person 1: let's go buy these cool bondage pants i saw avril wearing on MTV!
person 2: let's! oh, and let us get daddy's money from his CEO position at a large stock company!
person 1: yes, let's!
by Katie December 23, 2003
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Store where rebellious teenieboppers max out mommy's credit cards and call themselves either "punk" "emo" or "goth".
by Your Mother July 20, 2003
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A store where teens go to express their rebellion against "THE MAN" and individuality and nonconformity by spending $75 on the same thing all there friends are wearing.

The store sells upon stereotypes of a certain genre or scene and builds a fashion base around it.

They claim to be "Everything About the Music" yet sell mainly Nintendo retro and otaku based shirts. While they do have a large array of band shirts, atleast 10 of them are by the same band, whichever is most marketable at the time.

Also there you can find a good deal of "anarchy" items for anywhere from $10-25.

In 2004 alone, Hot Topic's revenue was $656,470,000.

If you really want to be rebellious and original, pick up a needle and thread and hit up a thrift store.
Bob is rebellious because he shops at Hot Topic to be different and an individual unlike the fashion sheep of the jocks and preps. However, Hot Topic is just as popular as The Gap or Abercrombie. So instead of rebelling, you are simply conforming to Orv Madden's empire.
by StratusX March 1, 2006
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An expensive store that sells clothing featuring mainstream bands and cartoon characters.
Sale at Hot Topic! Sweatshirts are only $50 dollars today! Whoo-hoo!
by Liz January 8, 2005
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a place where people may piss in
"i wanna piss in a hot topic" shadow the headghog
by A01010211039209320930293029 November 14, 2021
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a store where people shop. people who think they shop their seem to think they are diffrent. that they are "scene". but really and truly being an individual is a cliche. emos, scenes, they are all the fucking same you all wear skinny jeans, you have black hair thats covering one eye, you wear ALOT of eyeliner, you go to shows, you claim your life is hell when you live in a nice area, you have 2 parents, and your probably the only child. your not a fucking individual if you shop at hot topic your simply a person who shops. okay i shop at hottopic...alot. i have band shirts but thats about it my hair is brown, i wear loose jeans they are actually a size too big, my hair is always in my face (covering BOTH eyes) i dont go to shows, i dont listen to TBS or Dasboard confesional . i know im not an individual which is why i dont claim i am. no matter what image your trying to get, there is ALWAYS going to be some one else doing it too.
if you were the only one who shoped at hot topic there wouldnt be a hot topic :)
by iseeithowitis June 19, 2007
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Is a shop considered bloody cheap for the UK customers. In the UK its considered alternative because it makes a change from the Camden crawlers.

A shirt is £50 in Camden
And $50 in Hot topic.

Maths anyone?
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