Refers to da cheerful/casual whistling/humming/singing dat you're always super-glad/relieved to hear emanating from a mechanic, carpenter, or other repairman as he's working on your in-need-of-fixing item, since this unflustered tune-making indicates that whatever mending/alterations which are required to restore your device are merely "all in a day's work" or "old hat" with him; i.e., he's confidently proceeding with the task and is not concerned that there will be any snags. problems, or delays in said repairs.
Hearing the gloriously-welcome musical reassurance from a service-person produces a similar radiant hopefulness that you experience from being present during an "Ohhhhhhh...!" moment, since in both cases you feel pleasantly relieved that your device is indeed not irreparably damaged/worn/aged, and therefore it will probably be up-and-running again in a fairly short time.
by QuacksO June 12, 2019
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idea from and their pigeon's "pigeon" meaning "country" music/poeple
country music - this shit sounds like a dying cat being raped by a pigeon.

country people- here pigy pigy pigy .
pigeon music the sound of country music sounding like a pigeon rapping a dead cat.
by irautuaaariiii December 19, 2015
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Formula-narrative driven public-consciousness regarding the President's Progress, where epic heights are routinely imperiled with chasmic pitfalls, and where for every second speech the 'stakes could not be higher,' will 'define his/her presidency,' and invites the usual cliches by the typical pundits.
-- Phew!! I'm just glad that, for all the upheavals, that things are finally going great!!

-- But wait, are they?! Sure, if there's a great speech to be given, he's more intrepid than FDR (who rationed his fireside chats, so as not to be overexposed,) but this next challenge coming-up will DEFINE HIS PRESIDENCY!!

-- It's the Behind the Music Presidency...there's always the VP Oprah fallback position....
by sukadog March 6, 2011
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Music that is purposely listened to at low volume with headphones, usually to enhance outside hearing.
Jake wanted to hear if his parents called, so he listened to diet music
by StrataStar May 24, 2021
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A genre of music full of disgraceful people singing what they managers give them. Their fans praise them and see them as super-humans
Retard:Oh my god Taylor Swift and Drake are so talented Pop music is the best
Humanity:I want to die
by Honest Nigga June 25, 2017
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The ultimate musical sacrilege.

Made by soulless businessmen in the Record Label industry, these rats often hire attractive people (movie actors, models, homeless people or whatever) with a decent voice (Mostly hardcore fucked by autotune to sound nice) to sing their lifeless songs for them. They also utilize flashy videos (Which covers up the mess called the "lyrics") featuring the "artist's" heavily-edited abs or fake buttcheeks (Sometimes, they even go full birthday suit...) with dancers doing brothel shit. (It's often lewd as Hell.) Combine it with proven-and-tested "catchy rhythm and melodies" (For boosting the hype of the listener) and intense marketing, it becomes a cash cow for the company who produces it, with views beating both Rock and Art Music combined, and has a popularity rate that is higher than Burj Khalifa.

It preys on the clueless teenagers (Mostly young ladies) with its hype generator, love/edgy lyrics and attractive "artists", harboring tons of money through concert tickets and online albums. It poisons the minds of people through the radio and streaming platforms repeating it again and again, until the populace says it's a good one.

It rips your soul away in every repetition on the radio. It makes you stupid in every lyric. It manipulates you in every beat.

This is Pop Music.
Brittany: would you like to listen to Beyonce?
Dyl: I would rather sniff my own shit than to listen to pop music.
by Some Guy in the Tavern October 11, 2023
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a sacrilegious genre of music most known for its unironically mainstream lyrics, music video and fanbase. purely sacrilegious and lamentable.
" pop music, the epitome of art and culture " - twosetviolin
by leviathan03 April 12, 2022
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