Someone from the Southern States of America. Fasinated with the KKK and the CSA Civil War flag, and hanging black people. Redneck has become popular now days because country music is starting to sound more and more like pop music. Thanks to "Blue Collar TV" it is "cool" to be a Redneck.
Man Clayton is a true Redneck and Jesse is a damn Yankee who wants to be a Redneck.
by David October 2, 2004
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a redneck is not someone who sleeps with family. a redneck is simply someone who is proud to be a south. The world would be a better place if the south would have won. the Yankees would probably have better raisin and more common sence. Yall shouldn't be fags anyhow b/c God made it to where men should be with WOMEN. not with a queer. Rednecks have more common sence than the northerners. They are also friendlier. I bet that if someone's car breaks down, a redneck may help them b/c they have polite and respectful manners. as for the yankees they wouldn't help anyone. I am proud to be in the south, you aint got that much killin unless its animals. AT least we can understand the words to our music. Yall need to know that there is a difference between REDNECKS, KKK, and WEST VIRGINIA. okay.
"Show a yankee how to drive, point his car north"
by danielle b. October 6, 2004
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An illiterate, uneducated, ignorant fuck showing little or no sophistication in modern society. City dwellers especially in the southwestern United States will call him a 'loser' if he actively tries to interact with too many people, especially of the opposite sex. A redneck shows little refinement, etiquette, dress code nor anything proper city dwellers would associate with; especially younger educated prudes. A lot of society's ills or domestic violence problems might even be associated with a stereotypical uneducated redneck.
A loser redneck moves from a smaller town to a larger upscale southwestern city. He tries to hit on a lot of cute University educated ladies there but they all reject him saying 'not my type' or you uneducated, illiterate ignorant fuck I'm not interested in you. After years of unsuccessful torment in the city he begins to realize he is just a rejected redneck in a strange land by definition.
by honestguy87110 July 23, 2009
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we aint racist, we like hunting, fishing, and country music,,,we from da south and we are proud,,,we love da rebel flag and say git r done...people need to stop hating on us
country boys and gurls, southern people, rednecks
by rdnck_bitch93 November 2, 2008
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Redneck is a fad starting from 2010 and continuing through out 2012. It includes teen boys and girls dressing in curved bill camo hats and jeans or cargo shorts with camo jackets or other camo things. "Camo" is the redneck god of the fad.If you are in high school you should know about ten people or more that are apart of this ignorant fad.Not only does redneck promote racism but is known to promote drinking,drinking while driving,smoking drugs, and cigarette smoking.You will often find these people NOT in RURAL AREAS, but in CITIES! Signs of this fad include everything from lifted trucks in the middle of the city nowhere near mud to rebel flags.This is a very annoying fad and they should all do us a favor and use their camo to DISAPPEAR.
"omg look at these dumb ass rednecks"
"lol yea i know, RED SOLO CUP lmao"
by AtLAS May 2, 2012
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A wifebeathing, child abusing, useless fuck who gets by on what other people do for them. Origionally an honerable term used to describe the coal miners who wished to unionize and had to tie red bandanas around their necks to distinguish them from the coal companies men, which they often got into firefights with. Often misused to describe a "hick," or a blue collar idividual who lives in a rural area.
"He is the biggest redneck that I know."
by countryboy586 April 26, 2010
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A dumbass lowlife who worships NASCAR and guns. Typically found drinking beer while watching a 3-inch portable tv in a trailer. Worship the Dukes of Hazzard, unbeknownst to them its just a socially regressed version of Starsky and Hutch. Rednecks are almost ALWAYS featured as main characters in epic sci-fi alien invasion movies.
The redneck brood is typically found in the southeastern united states.
by The Dirt Ambassador March 15, 2005
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