when a child is in your belly, (most pregnant women rub their stomach)
add: do you find out if you are pregnant
me: ima f***ing guy
by HandsomeDragon8 September 10, 2022
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When a phone autocorrects Pringles
Real text: "I will go grab some Pringles"
Autocorrect: "I will go grab some pregnant"
by Dray’s Dictionary February 17, 2019
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Your fucked.
Wow you forgot to use a condom? She’s pregnant? Well dude you’re fucked
by March 14, 2021
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Jennifer was feeling under the weather and decided to stay home from school. Meanwhile her older sister went to school and both their parents went to work and were expected to return home late.

A while after school was over, Jennifer heard her older sister coming back home. She heard her unlock the front door and rush upstairs to her room along with her boyfriend. After a couple of minutes, Jennifer started hearing moans coming from her older sister's room, which kept getting loader and loader. That was the day her older sister got pregnant.
by UranusOne September 25, 2022
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When one yo ho’s Drank’s all yo damn grape soda and nar she ain’t gonna work no mo, and cause ain’t none don’t want that ho’s honey and nar it’s messen wit yo money . That ho be soda pregnant !
Man wat be goin on with that ho? Shiit that ho be soda pregnant.
by @therealwhoretalk.com May 14, 2022
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One third filtered water, two thirds vanilla flax milk, in the microwave for a minute forty-three
Baby can you make me a Pregnant Lady’s Hot Toddy.”
by astrowashere February 19, 2019
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God dammit she pregnant means that she is pregnant you might get grounded so no mo gamecube.
"god dammit she pregnant."
by notononlineclasses November 9, 2020
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