A test, such as a Drug Test or STD Test, where you need to piss or secrete into a container or tube for the purpose of:

a) a Medical Exam
b) a Drug Test
c) an STD Test
d) a Piss Test.
He says it wasn't his, but we're gonna test his jizz. No way Bro's passing this Fluids Quiz.

I can't piss hot for my PO, I ain't gonna fail that Fluids Quiz! Hell No!
by AdamGoodBet September 3, 2021
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Sperm, WHite stuff, Cum, Goo, Splooge,
ew you just got all your dick fluids on me!
by aryguy April 11, 2009
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Truthful information that is provided in a misleading or confusing manner in order to suggest different results or intentions.

Similar to how light refraction causes an object to appear to bend in water.

Partial inspections that allow contraband to be relocated between inspections
An incompetent spokesperson that can provide raw data, but is unable to provide context
Graphs set to an awkward scale to imply different or more impressive results
Person 1: Look at our profit growth. It's off the charts!
Person 2: It only looks that way because the chart doesn't start at zero. It's less than 1%.
Person 1: That's rather disappointing.
Person 2: That's how fluid transparency works. It's not untrue, just misleading.
by AzarielShayd February 24, 2020
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a fake thing said in automotive shops
Hey man i need some bumpah fluid for this broken bumper
by Brandallberry November 8, 2017
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When you have Anal sex so hard that it produces a combination of blood, semen and poo so you clean it with your tongue.
Justin plummeted Kevin so hard that it resulted in a triple fluid cocktail that he bottled to consume during the day.
by Dezmuz May 25, 2016
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Semen dripping out of a homosexual's rectum, usually down one's leg
Brad had gender fluid running down his leg after getting butt slammed by Steve
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Soft language to describe a boy girl.
Dude- That's a fuckin Reptilian boy girl!

Soft language police (describing masculine female boy girl)- Sir, she is gender fluid, don't use that kind of language.

Soft language police (describing effeminate male boy girl)- Sir, he is gender fluid, don't use that kind of language.
by The Original Agahnim September 14, 2021
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