
Representation of a concept through symbols or underlying meanings.
The Tree of Life is symbolic for the various life-giving aspects of our Creator.
by b'razen July 14, 2011
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Album and song by the band Death.
Symbolic is a great album.
by DJ Ryzzle April 25, 2006
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The representation of anything by symbols, or of investing things with a symbolic meaning or character.
The twilight movies have quite a bit of pro-abstinence symbolism.
by kyle.biddle January 5, 2011
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1) Pictograph representing a word, expression, or idea
2) Individual or thing which represents a group, i.e. mascot, etc.
See: symbolism or symbolic
1) Giving someone the finger is the universal symbol for 'F#@% you' or 'F#*& off'.
2) The Bald eagle is one of our national symbols.

alt) Ever Since Prince turned himself into a Symbol.
by pythonspam November 7, 2003
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Some gangs use a common symbol to identify their affiliation. Examples of this include 5-pointed stars (People Nation), 6-pointed stars (Folks Nation), and others.
by VAKI5 August 17, 2003
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What asswhips on this site seem to always come up with as Urban Slang. If you can't SAY it, it is NOT a WORD, THEREFORE not urban slang!!!!
How can a symbol be a slang word if you can't speak it you Buttmunch?
by Andi February 25, 2005
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A word that can be used to pass advanced English class if used enough times.
teacher: so what does this book tell us about society?
student: Dude, it's like, symbolism, you know, sybolism, symbolism...uh...SYMBOLYSIM!
teacher: A+++++++++++++ FOREVER!
student: Dude, THAT is symbolim.
by Danny Peterson January 12, 2004
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