A lie perpetuated by the new world order to pacify the masses under the belief that the world was going to end to a deadly contagious virus. Hindsight shows us the SARS NCOV outbreak was actually a hoax that allowed big government power grab, and the greatest transfer of wealth to the elite class in history.
"stay at home, it's only 2 weeks to flatten the curve!"
by ArmageddonFeast February 27, 2021
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when you recieve a blowjob on a zamboni while taping your hockey stick

bj+tj+zj= vertically curved canadian mango
bro i was chilling on the zam the other day giving a sick tj when all of a sudden i got a vertically curved canadian mango it was sick
by patdonahue February 2, 2009
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A sentence to describe a particularly thick patty on a burger. Not applicable to sandwiches.
"Bro my patty has curves!"

"Damn, that's one thick burger."
by Rootner1007 March 22, 2021
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When a mans shlong is curved in any direction.
Yeah i was with that guy last night and I was shocked to see a curved peen. I thought all of them were straight! That’s when i realized he suffers from CPS (Curved peeshie syndrome).
by Danifatash August 15, 2020
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Another name for taking a shit. When a catcher in baseball wants his pitcher to throw a curve ball he puts down two fingers and since taking a shit is commonly referred to as "going number two" this phrase is appicable when you have to poop.
Man that coffee ran right through me. I got to go to the bathroom and throw a curve ball before I make a mess of myself.
by C Floods March 7, 2011
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Description of someone extremely slow to pick things up.
Jim's been losing at three-card monty for 3 hours now - damn he's got a learning curve like a spirit level!
by Iain1977 January 29, 2008
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A double hand wave perv curve is a grabbing motion of the hands at the same time, in which you use to say goodbye to a hot girl!!
Drama was caught using a Double hand wave perv curve in the last episode of the 3rd season of Rob's Fantasy Factory.
by Spike0625 October 5, 2010
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