To get confused about everything around you and confuzzled means to also become Candy On Nice Fluffly Unicorn Zoo Zebras Latching Exhaling Ducks
Bob the Builder:I'm confuzzled right now
Thomas the Dank Engine: Can I eat you, the unicorns, ducks, and the zebras?
by Confuzzlinig May 13, 2018
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Being extremely confused and unable to think clearly
"After studying for 5 hours straight Jim was confuzzled on how he only got a 75 on his test"
by Sullimander March 31, 2014
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When a person is confused but stumped at the same time.
Student: I don’t understand this topic

Other student: I know I’m confuzzled
by Idkwhattocallthisaccount July 12, 2020
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To be confused and puzzled at the same time.
I am very confuzzled about this Algebra equation.
by Clownfish02 February 23, 2016
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For when a person is super confused, but they do not know how to describe how confused they truly are.
Bob told me that he was going to my house on Tuesday, but I was not going to be home that day, so I was confuzzled.
by Gibbonzzz October 17, 2018
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