Roo Boo is the most gorgeous woman to ever existed. She doesn't see her beauty but that's okay, everyone around her does. She has a gorgeous smile, and an amazing personality. She will become your best friend. It will last for years. But don't get on her bad side, she will turn into a royal Bitch.
Roo Boo is my best friend and i love her to pieces.
by WickedSlothh August 14, 2021
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A building where the basement and rooftop are switched.
Guy 1: Can you go to the basement please?
Guy 2: Isn’t here the basement?
Guy 1: It’s a switch-a-roo building, bro.
by konnichiwa01293 April 13, 2023
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The name of a person who likes to have pee pee on their head and in their mouth. Also can be very fun to hangout with if you run a train on them. Prefers large penis and hairy assholes!
Who's at the front of the train? ROO DOO!!!
by it's roo doo bitches April 20, 2017
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A flu consisting of partying for 6 days at Bonnaroo while your body is a trash can for drugs and alcohol resulting in your body’s immune system lowering from being around sweaty wooks, the sickness usually consists of coughing up phlegm, headaches and throwing up, you will probably be bed ridden for days and down Dayquil and Nyquil like a degenerate while suffering random coughing fits and the cold embrace of feeling like death
Wook 1: Man, I was at bonnaroo last week and I feel like dogshit
Wook 2: You got the Roo flu man
by daemon. June 21, 2023
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The act of tucking an unexpectedly erect penis behind your jeans or belt to avoid embarrassment in public.
Andrew's penis became hard in math class. To avoid embarrassment, he did a quick tuck-a-roo and walked out of class with a smile on his face.
by EpicHealthBuzz August 23, 2015
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