A Man that is of african decent who has a love for nike and the chinese temples. He also loves making seriously devious attempts on his niece from time to time
Guy 1” he must be a nike ninja
Guy 2” innit hes black and incest
by Shrekpornmaker3000 January 6, 2023
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Another Way To Say Nigga Rooster......Which Means Anti Killa
Dude:Man hat Dude Is A Ninja Chicken
Other Dude:True........
by EquinoxBoy3Dude September 30, 2007
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Verb:To Ninja or to be Ninjad. meaning to give it to someone real good. Go all the way and then some. No half assing..giving it 200%. Usually referenced for acts of a sexual nature or revenge.
Dave was so ninjad by his lover he couldnt walk for three days. "Totally worth it" he said, "I cant wait to be ninjad again"!

Maggie said "I am going to Ninja Mike so bad he wont know what hit him"
by LilSumptin February 14, 2019
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I was reading my daughter a bedtime story and farted. I told her she had ninja ducks running around in her room.
by #1id10t April 13, 2020
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A small Gnome-like creature from the Ratchet & Clank video game series. Highly annoying and carries twin swords that it tries to cut your crotch with.
by Xalrons456 February 11, 2012
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Bread, that is eaten with pasta, and is thrown in a ninja-like fashion across the table aimed at people, to which effect, people jump up in an attempt to escape in a similar way to which monkeys would.

The aim of this tool is to kill... no one will be left alive!
Suffer my Ninja Monkey Death Bread!!!
by N.M.D.B. Master August 20, 2010
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A handshake involving many complex movements, but no one ever sees it because, as mentioned in the title, it is considered to be ninja-like, therefore cannot be seen.
Did you see their handshake?!

Of course not; it's a ninja handshake.
by mads1103 November 29, 2013
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