a phrase used commonly by indian married males to 14 year old girls on omegle. the "friendship" will be ended when he tries to peer pressure you into sending nudes.
"becky i want to make friendship with you"
"arent you married?"
"yes yes but its good"
by bitchboysaga6969 February 9, 2021
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The act of taking a break in your current relationship on the pretense of "improving yourself" or "we need space" to instead distant yourself from your partner to seek
better or newer romantic partners behind of a higher value to you, then going back to your original partner when things
don't work out.
Used in situations where your romantic partner lies to you on needing a break for self improvement reasons
but instead seeks other romantic partners.
the act of doing this is called "making a lexi move" / "pulling a lexi"
by The def definitions August 23, 2021
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when you go to the toilet and think it's gonna be a really solid one then it comes out like a brown mash potato
oh my god man I'm making a sloppy
by behboy April 10, 2016
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When you put your mouth over someone's nose and suck any boogers out of their nostrils.
Man, last night I had a St. Louis make out session with Tiffany. It was great! Spent some quality time together and had a little snack.
by Senior Carne February 5, 2023
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To be late to a class or meeting. The term refers to running from your current location to the location you are meant to be in, esp. from one building to another.
I was late coming out of English class, and I ended up making the run to Calculus.

"Where's Joe Schmoe?"
"He's making the run from the IT department"
by Scud_The_Trewpa December 3, 2018
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This song would be perfect for a Toad's make out
by hawaiianginger March 4, 2011
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