someone with an absolute whale of a cock, and loves to go around and wank anyone they get the chance to.
"omg that guy is such a wigga wanker"
by DIG BICK 8008135 March 15, 2023
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A wigga is a non racist term for a white nigga.
Did you just call me nigga, but I'm white.

"Okay then you're a wigga"
Oh cool okay
by Pseudonym fcuk April 18, 2019
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When your white so you cant say the n word because its rasist so you say wigga.This song is about equality 🤤
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A slur used for black people of very light complexion such as mixed race or lightskin.
Wigga, I told you not to climb over that damn fence!!
by Ë💘. January 30, 2022
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white n*gga


an alternative for the word n*gga, if you can't say it because you're white or lost your street cred, for example
A wannabe n*gga , mostly a caucasian male who tries to be black
I really miss my wigga
Man, I wish I could say n*gga, but I ain't black so that's not an option
Look at that damn wigga imitating me cuz I'm black. I hate him.
by El Chigga June 11, 2017
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Someone who acts black when they white
See Joel
by justin December 24, 2004
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a term used by white people who want to say the n word but dont want to be racist
by anime slayer November 15, 2020
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