this joke is used in most of “how to die” videos
it is be like an idiot(moron in tf2) falls off the cliff and people following the idiot and so on
fall off a cliff loop be like:
be an idiot
then continue to be an idiot
then a guy follows an idiot
then guy follows 2 idiot
then a guy follows a group of idiots
if overused explosion occurs
by Player2170(roblox arsenal guy) October 19, 2019
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Little dried up clumps of shit that cling onto your arse hair
Ben: There was no toilet paper in that toilet’
Dover: ‘Err, you’ll have dirty cliff hangers you scruff’
by ImNightLightKidsTurnMeOn March 2, 2020
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When your falling off a cliff and than while your friend is trying to save you they say, and that’s all folks! You than have to wait for the next episode and it turn out that your friend just threw you off the fucking cliff.
I was left on a fucking cliff hanger last night while watching my favorite tv show!
by Bill cosby’s boyfriend June 12, 2023
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A type of person who deserves to be thrown off the cliff. Someone useless, bad, mean, negative, destructive, lazy.
Dean was an mean fat obnoxious man who couldn't care less for anyone. If he's got thrown off the cliff no one would miss him. He was definitely cliff-worthy.
by niganaimah June 2, 2016
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1) Fucking on the edge of the bed.

2) on the precipice of climax partner falls off and out of you

3) sexually attached couple tombstone off a cliff
Cliff dicked my partner so hard he turned into a pirate hamster.

OMG, I got cliff dick bruises

We went cliff dicking yesterday, just missed the rocks. Hot!
by BattyBen July 14, 2013
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The act of having sex with a woman on the edge of a bed, and just as you come you let go of her and she falls off the bed.
Ron: Yeah!

Dierdre: WTF, you almost broke my neck!

Ron: Maybe so, but it was an awesome Cliff Hanger!!!


Realizing he only had a single bed and didn't want her to share it with him once they were done, he suggested they do The cliff Hanger.
by hornblatt April 19, 2010
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