jump off a cliff

I play the victim card and ask people to jump off a cliff
by pussay875 June 21, 2022
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jump off a cliff

when someone acts ignorant so you tell yourself "jump off a cliff" meaning: bro im so done here.

ill elaborate: when you jump off a cliff its like youre done with life right? so you say as if youre done when youre talking to someone
"omg i failed ughhh jump off a cliff"
by sunoooo. September 10, 2021
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One of the coolest things to say when you and your friends are bored to hell and they don't expect it.
Dude 1: Man! flaming anus spontaniously combusting and bursting into flames as he jumped off the cliff!
Dude 2: Cool!
Dude 3: Awesome!
by Yargengee October 18, 2006
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