The amount of seconds you have to kiss your cousin in flag or touch football before you can rush the Quarterback
I hate having a 5 Mississippi Blitz, Cletus gets too handsy with me.
by Snooopminnis November 16, 2019
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Opening your e-mail and finding dozens of "update" messages from Facebook, each with a link to a comment or reply to a post made on someone else's facebook page. This can be caused by a Facebook Tagfest.
Oh man, what a mess! My my e-mail got Face-Blitzed! There were 43 messages, all of them were notices from Facebook telling me someone posted a comment on someone elses wall!
by The Third Jay Guy April 8, 2010
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A method of cooling off on a muggy day, where your partner spreads your butt cheeks and blows cool air into your anus, much like an oscillating fan. If you’re a man, your partner may then cool down your testicles. If you’re a woman, expect the outside edges of your vagina to be arctic blitzed as well. The name originates from the equally refreshing Gatorade flavor.
It was 90 degrees out and we spent all day at the pool. I came home and showered but still felt too clammy in the pants to get in bed. Fortunately, my girl gave me an arctic blitz until she was lightheaded from oxygen deprivation. She told me I could return the favor some other time.
by Deez Leeemz July 6, 2020
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guy 1-I had a bum blitz last night
guy 2- I don't need to know that
by memewentz April 5, 2016
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It's a meme that was made really quickly.
Person 1: Sam posted really embarrassing photo in the group chat. Less then 5 minutes have passed and Chloe has already made a meme about him.

Person 2: Wow, that was fast! That's a real blitz-meme.
by Vencl_A January 23, 2021
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I had to Save my life Before He rape so I Blitz rape him
by 459395 March 5, 2022
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When one is high out of their mind.
Fuck im so blitzed right now i cant even see
by BDbrad June 18, 2019
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