When you captivate an audience by your actions or your speech to the point you have everyone's attention and they leave talking about it.. you have roped them into your conversation.
David was crowd-roping yesterday when he told them about his vacation.
by joyful Bliss June 8, 2010
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To breathe a crowd is to cause an audience to smoke Cannabis during a live performance.
by shasta ram rah November 23, 2010
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Jake: "That girl was sexy af! Did you have sex with her?"
Ian: "She only wanted anal! Too bad she had hemorrhoids! Was a total Crowded House"
by BettyBigg May 8, 2017
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When you walk-up to someone annoying you and you announce you farted, even when you didn't, just to get them to leave your space.
I really need to do some crowd control, this party is getting out of hand.
by barnstormer January 27, 2023
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A crowd so big and dense that you have to get in a line just to walk anywhere.

Named after the Star Trek: TOS episode "The Mark of Gideon", where the planet Gideon is heavily overpopulated due to a lack of disease, and people are crowded in everywhere.
Forget it. I'm not waiting an hour just to walk around and get into another line. I'm staying away from that Gideon Crowd!
by Always Obsessing December 30, 2022
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A TV show that aired on E!. It was basically a show about two guys who own a fashion business. One is always angry, and the other comes off as a very eccentric person. Produced by Kim Kardashian, and got cancelled less than two months after premiere, good job Kim, you really outdid yourself you Kartrashian. Starring Jonathan Cheban, Simon Huck, Katie Mox, Lauren Stoner, Erika Ledesma, Summer Hill.
Patrick: So I was watching the Spin Crowd yesterday.

Maddie: Hey! My cousin was on that!

Patrick: Cool!

Jason: I watched REM perform! It was horrible!

Both: Shut up Jason!
by FITZY!!! January 13, 2012
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When in a threesome consisting of 2 men and 1 woman, the two males ballsacks clap together.
She was trying to suck both our dicks and we gave her a crowds applause.
by StiffKittenxo October 3, 2017
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