when your sister bounces your mattress up and down to get you to fall asleep
Belle would you like a mattress ride?
by jbrown92184 February 22, 2009
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The mother of all wedgies. Give someone a wedgie, lay them flat on their stomach, bend their leg back & hook their toes into the waistband of pulled-up underwear. Not only is this an ultrawedgie, but the only way out is for the 'victim' to pull their underwear even further up their butt to get it off over their toe.
Initiation to the track team was a Turkish Camelback Ride; except for Dave, who got a DOUBLE Turkish Camelback Ride; yup; both feet hook into his underwear.
by PParker July 6, 2017
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The disability of acquiring a means of transport, usually used by a "Flaker" or "Loafer" as a pathetic excuse to serve their own condition.
"NO RIDE DOESNT MEAN FLAKE" -Carson (a known "Flaker")
by fuck y ou gaybowser July 9, 2023
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Is when you pay for the fare and in the morning you wish you never had taken the ride. The act of sleeping with a prostitute or permiscous gold digger.
Man last night me and charlie were riding the bus. Hope I don't catch the clap.
by monkeyballs113 August 20, 2009
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Driving around the rez with a car full of your no good cousins, with no license. Not even a family license. Usually done as a pre-teen before you could see over the dashboard.
"Jaaayz, that no goot nephew of mine just got stopped rez riding, now he has to pay a fine. Doesn't even have a license that guy."
by Turtle Dee March 23, 2022
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I wish I would've listened when they said 'the mask goes over your nose'. Now I'm holding on for dear life as I'm Riding the Coroni Pony into the sunset.
by Beardo_357 November 28, 2020
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