Broden is the term given to a person who will buy a large amount of a product at a reduced price and try and sell it for profit.
by Broden August 30, 2015
by sweethunni18 June 10, 2009
A guy wit a big penis and wears a skateboarder look and great at any sport but gets any lady and smashes her till her eyes roll back
by Urmumtitsrhuge May 27, 2019
Get the Broden mug.
by Elastic cock January 1, 2020
by Tee Hee UwU Love you December 3, 2019
“Broden means a incredible stupid person that does not use his brain” Spends a lot of money on fortnite and sings cringe fortnite songs a annoying little boy
by LolXdrwar April 20, 2019