When you have a drag from a smoke or a go at the bong, you then blow it into a woman's vagina, you can also have the option to inhale it back out.
"Woah, man, did you hear about Jessica? Dave tried the Texas Smokehouse on her and she's in hospital!"
by Lord Bill The Janitor November 20, 2015
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A tall skinny woman from Texas named Shelley Duvall.
She's so Texas, She's thin as a twig, She's the Texas Twiggy!
by Doubt-tee Thomas February 11, 2023
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Orange Texas is your classic mix between yeeyee/hood shit in one major fucked up town. Whether your spittin Copenhagen or rollin a joint (or even both for that matter) you may find your self in Orange Texas. One common misconception about Orange Texas is that they fuck their cousins. That is not us, however, you may be thinking about Vidor. If you ever find yourself in the heart of the hood or on a dirt road at the same time, welcome to Orange Texas.
You must be from Orange Texas
by fruit city boi October 27, 2018
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A blow job given immediately after the penis is withdrawn from the anus. No wiping or clean up. Straight up ass to mouth.
That new cashier at the Kroger gave me a Texas pickle behind the dumpster.

That dude gave me a Texas pickle last night in the parking lot. I just can’t shake the taste.
by Dick Onchin April 11, 2020
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When an unhygienic stripper queefs and a puff of sparkles, mixed with semen from a previous sexual partner, splats on the floor while she is performing oral sex on a patron. The sparkle effect is due to toxic "sparkle" buildup due to the excessive use of body glitter or "Vagazzling".
Dude 1: "Wow... looks like a cat ate a Christmas ornament and puked on the carpet."

Dude 2: "Nah, Johnny got a blowjob a few minutes ago and the stripper left him a Texas Sparkle."
by KillerChimp November 4, 2011
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Bi-polar weather that is unpredictable. Known for drastic changes in short amounts of time, often exibiting one seaon's expected weather in a different season. Weather seemingly changes on a whim.
"Okay, explain to me how yesterday we had 80 degree weather and clear skies and today we're in the middle of an ice storm!!! Tomorrow's weather is supposed to be 80 again!"

"Hey if you don't like Texas Weather today, just wait around a few minutes and it'll change!"
by veganroyalty February 4, 2012
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A Texas tunnel is a stretched out vaginal or anal region.
After multiple babies, Susie lamented that she now had a Texas tunnel where her vagina had been.
by I, Wreckerrr October 15, 2016
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