smh effect :
everyone who get involved with this particular person started to get inspired and started to mock (the person)—the cause is unknown.
the smh effect is relative
by roleplaygames101 May 17, 2021
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Bro: Yo I just skeeted in a girls eye
Friend: Smh
by #ChiefSosa3hunna November 19, 2015
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Smh because you think this means shake my head ew cringe
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A comeback when someone won't stop talking about shit you don't want to hear.
Jim: talks about politics for hours
Bob: wow this is a smh moment
by is this real November 25, 2020
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Shake My Head You Cheap Bastard

I can't believe that my husband is getting Xmas gifts from a dumpster. SMH YCB
I can't believe that my husband is getting Xmas gifts from a dumpster. SMH YCB
by Edskins01 October 22, 2022
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"Steady My Head"
To be said after something ridiculous or embarassing (to someone else) happens.
Essentially telling someone that you need to have your head "steadied", in reference to the head shaking in dissaproval or moving with laughter, because what has just occured it so outrageously funny or embarassing to the other person.
This can be pronounced verbally as "smhhh" or "smuh".
Dude: You look mad nice girl.
Chick: Can't say the same bout you.
Other Dude: SMH (smhhh)!
by IamE1337 October 19, 2009
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texting to a friend>

smh@u ur too funny, I can't believe u would say that!! BRB
by VON1111111 April 22, 2012
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