The zeppelin air raids and urban bombings of Britain during World War I. The name comes from the idea of it being a precursor to the Blitz in World War I, which also was a bombing of Britain.
Person one: my great grandfather served as a German pilot during World War I

Person two: did he take part in the pre-blitz?
Person one: no, he was a fighter pilot.
by PonianYoutube March 17, 2021
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To be very high, drunk, or both.
Friend: So how was last night?

You: Its was dope, i was so Bluefy Blitzed!
by Nick Lovin January 31, 2010
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When you do 8 hours of work in 20 minutes much like President Joe signing executive orders.
"Don't mess with that nurse. She's on a Biden Blitz"

"That teacher went on a Biden Blitz and graded 100 assignments before 8am."

"It smells strongly of lemon citrus in here. Someone must have gone on a Biden Blitz disinfecting this whole place"

"I'm so far behind. I'm gonna need to chug an energy drink and pull a Biden Blitz tomorrow morning"
by TynasaurusRex January 25, 2021
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shit all o'er tha place
yo dude, you shoulda seen what happened in the bathroom after last night. it was a splatter bowl blitz in there!
by sooperpoopybuns April 26, 2011
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the art of deception where you plan to have vaginal sex however at the very last second you put it in the butthole & go for as long as you can.
last night we were gonna have sex than boom butthole blitz
by a tamborelli October 10, 2020
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Blitzed creek is when you’re so baked that you make up a phrase for how baked you are and you call it “blitzed creek”.
Man, I’m blitzed creek.”
by BTMA June 18, 2022
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Blood donation followed by alcohol consumption. With less blood to dilute the alcohol in your system, it becomes easier to feel the effects of alcohol.
You: "My alcohol tolerance is so high, I've got to drink so much to feel anything nowadays."

Friend: "Why don't you go on a blood donor blitz?"

You: "Wowzers, that idea makes me equally excited and fearful for my personal health! I could feel good about giving blood to someone in need while I feel good about getting wasted on like 2 shots."
by PulpFriction September 14, 2021
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