A delusional liar who has lost all touch with reality, somebody who makes outlandish claims that can only be explained with drug use during the formative years
Peter: My sister got a pink unicorn with purple polka dots for her birthday.
Tom: Quit being a Beto! What did she really get?

Jorge: Julian said he will be President of the USA one day
Joaquin: You can't take anything he says seriously. He is has always been a Beto
by Ken Schneiderman September 15, 2019
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Nathan: Hey Billy you see Shoenaks last post
Billy: Yeah hes a fucken Betos Bro
Nathan: Yeah no doubt
by Felma Dick August 12, 2019
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Someone who wears basic ass clothes, is usually cringe af, and likes to rock branded shoes so people know they have the money for them 😍
stuck-up assholes who’ve evolved from the commonly known “pita
Lisboa é só betos
by period luv February 3, 2020
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Beto is a clown,but yet very funny person. He makes the whole friend group laugh with a single face. He is a crackhead,skinny, fragile guy ,but is deep inside ready slap girls thighs.He is low key wanting to date, but doesn't want to tell his friends, since he can hoe around sometimes. Beto is a general funny guy with a great heart.
Ryan: *staring at beto
Beto: *staring back
Ryan:*starts laughing like crazy
Ryan: "omg beto is so funny, I can't , stop making me smile I swear Iwill punch you"
by iamlowkeysad October 18, 2019
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Some dumbass nigga who swears he from USA LMAOA
Beto is some weird nigga who thinks rona is fake and is broke bc of casinos
by BIG CUCK October 20, 2020
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1. A character in Chapter 1 of the first of the "Dime!" series of Spanish high school textbooks who acts rather shadily toward a girl in the library.

2. Anyone who says repeatedly, "Me llamo Beto...Beto Chavez."

3. Any sort of sleaze-wad.
"I wish that really pushy guy would leave those poor girls alone and stop being such a Beto Chavez."
by Bejesus May 7, 2003
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