Feminine protection for fat ass broads. It looks like a swamp cat-tail on steriods. Used specifically to "Tampoon" a fat bitch on her period.
That beast won't take a maxi-pad, she needs tampoons!
by Uncle Kurtie November 12, 2006
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A tampon so full of blood it seems like a freakin' lagoon!
-Dude, I had to take my frekin tampoon out!

-I tried to do stuff with my girl, but man she had to take her tampoon out it was sick...
by let.them.eat.cake. March 13, 2011
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When you (feel justified to) take something from someone right in front of their eyes. It's a form of retribution and seen as a form of justice by the person who is doing the taking...
He stole my drill, so I tampooned his whole toolbox. I got my drill back...
by Writewirks September 27, 2017
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A tampon, soaked in a strong liquor or for the non-drinking saints amongst us (who while sober are willing - Legends) caffeinated products and insert said tampoon into the anus. (Tampooning) This is best achieved using an applicator not made from card and preferably with some KY jelly. The result is alcohol entering the system and bypassing the liver, promoting your inebriated state.
1: Andy just tampooned last night!
2: I know, heard him screaming in pain the next day when he went for a dump
1: Dirt!
by beaverman May 29, 2010
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Tampooning is when you stick a tampon in someones vag to fish for blood clots
Man 1: i went tampooning the other day and caught a clot
by Poohdeb July 10, 2017
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the act of a woman youre not really dating hiding tampoons in your bathroom so as to warn other women of her presence.
a chick tampooned sometime last week and it ruined my chances with this girl i had over.
by chismgism January 10, 2012
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Tampoon is a word I made up ages ago. It's used to describe a tampon used by very large women; resembles a cotton harpoon. Vampires use them to make tea
by babyswanlets July 21, 2011
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