sport-specific use of the British linguistic import 'shambles,' baby.

emergent from e.g. r/nba, r/soccer, r/hockey and niche running / alt-right site letsrun.

used humorously and sarcastically when a) sportsball expectation doesn't match reality; and b) when a sportsballer or related person / body politic are specifically upset
| Bucks wrecked by Heat. Milwaukee in shambles

| Giannis gets MVP & DPOY. LeBron in shambles

| LeBron drunk tweets. Rich Paul in shambles
by Lou Brown September 19, 2020
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Verb. To walk with a jerking gait. A shuffle; sometimes unnerving.
The morning after a long bout of drinking, it was all that I could do to shamble to the 'fridge.

There, from the shadowy corner, the zombie shambled. I think I went mad then.
by Excel November 15, 2003
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Verb - sham-bl -Method of classic zombie locomotion.

Normally this method can be identified by the apparant lack of total functionality in one or both legs, thus causing a very pronounced limp.

Shambling is very inefficient and quite awkward, but hell, if you are a zombified mass of decaying flesh, you'll look wierd no matter how you get around.
That Zombie just shambled up to me, but I shot it's head off before it got close enough to bite me.
by Z-Hunter 515 August 26, 2008
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A state of sufferge that must be endured, there are little things that can free you from “The Shambles” but there are periods of relief
She cheated on me, I just can’t escape The Shambles.
by TRXPPIETREVV March 7, 2019
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"Hey did you hear that Discourse doesn't use meso gear?"
"Damn he's in shambles"
by downwithkeddie January 13, 2022
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an irish curse used when calling shotgun. can be used with the shotgun call "shotgun, no shambles" or if not used "shotgun", a second person can call shambles and they get shotty.
Person 1: Shotgun, no shambles
Person 2: Fuck

Person 1: Shotgun
Person 2: Shambles
Person 1: Fuck, you win
by carpetmuncher1011 March 28, 2010
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