Kids who are very hyper and agressive; can not stop moving or attacking everything in sight. Usually between 12 to 15 years old.
Remember those kids at the Green Day concert? They were moshing during 'Time of Your Life (Good Riddence.'Those kids were such power rangers.
by Notorious RJS February 3, 2005
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They've got a power and a force that you've never seen before. They've got the ability to morph and to even up the score. No one will ever take them down the power lies on their side. And robots...big f**king robots.
Power Rangers: It's Morphin Time! Mastodon! Pterodactyl! Triceratops! Saber Tooth Tiger! Tyrannosaurus!
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A chosen few who are chosen by a strong leader and given great Powers to protect Earth from evil.
Jason and Tommy defined Power Ranger with their will to never give up in protecting the Earth, and the universe.
by Heat6Jones June 19, 2003
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a good tv series in which a bunch of teenagers fight evil. Kimberly, Jason, Zack, Trini, Billy, and Tommy, led by Zordon and Alpha the robot. Several movies were made from it, and new spinoff series with the same titles and increasingly gayer characters also spawned. Was good until after Lost Galaxy. Lightspeed rescue killed the series for good. the reason for this is probably that Japanese producers noticed that kids like gayer and gayer things as time went on. We were probably screaming "WE LIKE DUMB!" or something. Also, Tommy and Kimberly had a thing for each other... heheh
Tommy: Its' Morphing Time!!!
Timmy the narrator: Little does Tommy know that in about 7 years, all the bad guys he fought and the work that he did would be for naught, due to the Power Rangers series becoming intellectually void shit.
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Kick ass show with people kicking ass with there kick ass karate. Then, when you think all the ass kicking is over, they summon there kick ass robots and kick ass with there power sword.
The power rangers are kicking ass, for me, your mom, and even hobos.
by Geilstier August 6, 2010
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5 people, either 3 guys and 2 girls, or 1 girl and 4 guys, all transformed into a different colored uniforms, each armed with their own weapons, and have their own zords/mechas. Originally from Japan as Sentai.
Kyouryuu Sentai Zyuranger-Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
by ChoujinkiMetalder February 5, 2005
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