tainted, spoiled, gone-off. Usually referred to meat products and meat alternatives.
Teh rancid maet hert my bely!1
by Bastardized Bottomburp May 3, 2003
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amazing band. another example of the east bay scene
what you gunna do when everybody goes on without you, rancid journey to the end of the east bay
by deeds* December 21, 2006
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Having a bad odor or taste due to decomposition of fats and oils. Nasty.
Can also relate to how bad someone's remark is.
The five-month old leftover casserole smelled rancid when it was thawed out from the freezer.
by AYB April 10, 2003
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'I don't know why he only calls when he want to hook-up. It's just so rancid.'
by ShaeBae98 November 4, 2014
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Used as a substitute for words such as "wicked" and dope".
Describes how awesome or extreme something is.
Person #1) "Dude, that jump was so gnar!"

Person #2) "Yeah man! It was rancid!"
by Petite_Danillo March 22, 2009
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To put a tremendous amount of effort into making something look unapealing. Commonly by adding realistic characteristics to cartoony characters.
"Someone bought Soul Calibur to make the most rancid character possible
by Celeste1138 January 24, 2019
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Horrible or nasty - often referring to clothing.
Can also be used in reference to someone being drunk.
1.Man, that chick's outfit is rancid.
2.I was rancid last night.
by Duncman May 11, 2005
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