Pau Torres is a Spanish football defender that plays for Villareal. Pau Torres is the second best defender in the world behind Saliba.
Did you watch the uel final?
Yeah Pau Torres was so good Manchester United lost it.
by SalibaTheGoat May 26, 2021
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spanish m NBA (memphis grizzlies) player
pau gasol is the best basketplayer ever
by diegoooo September 10, 2007
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A loving, caring and amazing girl. Also, girlfriend of Hwang Hyunjin, the dancer, singer and rapper from the K-pop group “Stray Kids”. Respect their relationship. They love each other.
-Oh you know ana pau?

-Yes!!! I saw her with Hyunjin yesterday!
by hyunjinteamo222 April 21, 2021
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A type of promise that never gets fulfilled because someone is so busy that he/she either forgets about it or doesn't get around to carrying it out.
"You didn't email him? You said that you would take care of it yesterday."
"Sorry. I had three problem sets and a research meeting. I'll take care of it tomorrow."
"That's a Paus promise, ya big fag."
by bligblag April 11, 2007
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A Brazilian slang representing a person that isn't present at social activities with friends, always making up excuses not to go.
Literally its means homossexual sex, where a penis is put in someone's ass, for pleasure.
"Yo man, why didn't you come here today, pau no cú"
by MC Brinquedo April 27, 2015
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pau no cu is the guy thats don't know the time to stop making jokes
the guy make jokes about everything , steal , death , ripe , asians , your mom
- your mom is a little bitch she's sucking my dick right now

- stop being a Pau No Cú dude this isn't funny
by Tricklash December 16, 2016
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