As a White monta vista student surrounded by stuck up over acheivers w/ no life asians (like 73%of the school), i would like to state that the majority of the remaining white population of mv doesn't give two shits to what the asians do or what classes they take. We get by just fine w/ c's.
Asian student: hey what classes u get?
White student: dude y da fuck do u care what u got?
Asian student: calculus, APUSH, Economics, Java, Physics AP-
White student: dude i was lost at what was it calculas? man yer fuckin retarded
by Cracka May 6, 2005
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Despite large amounts of flack from being called over achievers and essentially NERDS. Monta Vista is not so bad.

the Pros
-I made many longterm friends
-I am 6 feet tall so I could find any of my friends in a crowd because I was at least a foot taller than everyone.
-Many students I knew managed minimal attendance and still passed High School.
-a haxor crashed the MV website for weeks on end.
-Finally the Administration was so Naive/Chill that they hardly noticed all the drug/alcohol activity.

-Besides the few Moderate students, everyone was either a Gradewhore or a Wanabe Gangster.
-Social tensions that were associated with race: race conformity, white power, wannabe gang wars (no one was hurt cause everyone was a wimp).
-A congregation of 40+ people at our local 711 to dispute inter-school rivalries.
All work and no play made kids at Monta Vista dull.
by Wine Man June 4, 2007
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the school for kids who can score 1600 but still cant spell MONTE.
i go to monta vista. that's right, thats monta with an A.
by Anonymous September 10, 2003
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A place that so many asians go to, that the standards of the school are raised and classes are much harder than an average school. White students are intimidated by asian grades and resort to drugs. There are completely no african american students. The closest thing would be the indians who pretend to be black. Well, not really cuz theyre all little bitches.
MV student #1: i heard there was a new black person at monta vista!
MV student #2: no way. if i can continue getting a 120% on my tests, we can drive the whites out and make monta vista 120% asian !
by KRAZi33H October 24, 2007
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Girls are so spoiled over here, full of bitches (the hot ones) sorry uglies dont apply, and uhhh they are so full of themselves.... spoiled spoiled spoiled,
only "Good girls" are freakin nerds who cant get penis and are not sexy.
"damn dude look at that girl...."

"oh damn she a hotty lemme go say hi at this monta vista high school"

"uhhh wasup girl?"

*girl walks away like a bitch*

"! i just got owned man"
by Dunno? August 24, 2007
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Monta Vista is the inncorect spelling of the high school Monte Vista. It is used by San Ramon kids who cannot spell. They say MV students have no chance in the real world, however they cannot even spell.
It don't matter if I got no common sense, cus my trust fund is worth more then your house. and I drive my Jaguar to monta vista everyday
by blackhawk OG April 21, 2006
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A school dominated by Asians, both smart, dumb, and in between, where parents murder you for grades, where tests are a huge huge huge huge huge part of your grade, and also projects, where the Juniors are the dominating class, where there are a couple hundred clubs, interesting schedules, an odd mix of personalities and nasty attitudes, a place where you will get back stabbed for the hopes of getting a good grade, and where the Matadors live.

It's located in Cupertino, California, Fremont District.
Oh and our football team sucks.
And it's not Monte. It's Monta. Dunno why.
@Monta Vista High School

Girl 1: Like, god, that Guy1 is hot! You should date him!
Girl 2: Nah, I rather like that Guy2. But Guy3 likes me too. Phooey.
by Durhurthe Great. October 26, 2010
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