Quite simply the best person you will ever meet. He is usually very popular and good around girls. Often very clever and will go far in life.
Miko is amazing.
by Jaksjxjx March 26, 2018
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A person named Miko is a gentle and warmth giving person. Her lineage may come from Japan but she’s been so many places and has so many fun stories she’s like a balanced dish of ratatouille! “Variety’s the very spice of life!” But something about being around her makes you feel at home no matter where you are or how far gone you feel. Miko can put it down and PARTY, as she’s packing all the right things(not to mention her likely brown, curly hair), yet come home and be fully with you and just you. Always down for an adventure but doesn’t need one to see the value of living. Miko is stunning and despite all of the guys around her having to seconds guess life decisions, she maintains strong values and standards; respecting herself just as much as she does you. She’s faithful and true, works hard and is ALWAYS positive. If you’re friends with Miko, you’re already lucky. If you fall in love with her and she chooses you back, you are BLESSED man. In short Miko is the one person this lifetime you will NOT want to lose no matter what kind of relationship you have with her.
“Bro manz, do you believe in angels?”
“OH yeah brammie, like Miko?? Angels WALK mannn.”
“That’s a fact breh.”
by Hunny’s Milk 79 December 25, 2021
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An extremely epic and kick-ass moderator.
Known mostly for draining the life out of ban-dodgers and hopeless noobs.
Her origin's are mostly shrouded in mystery, and if you ask her where she lives she'll simply reply "Mikoland".
- inuyashalover9000: who the f#ck is MIKO???//
- !!!inuyashalover9000 was booted from the chat by miko!!!
by muffin fiend January 12, 2009
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in the chickasaw nation it means "king"
hey Miko your a swell fella
by dontheprancer September 7, 2010
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1. a non-alcoholic drink
2. a really kick-ass shirt
3. tofu
hey, dude you're miko is pretty nice !
by elleexsmile August 3, 2009
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A half-divine, half human sent from heaven; Friendly, Supportive and have a Big impact to influence people.
"mmmm.... I guess I need miko to keep my spirits up"
by bi29ii November 25, 2021
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