The aftermath of a study bender when you have hella information in your head. To have a substantial amount of knowledge after many hours of studying.
by ashleenthebean November 3, 2021
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a person who takes care of themselves very poorly and shows it.
Hey brittany, that person over ther in the wrinkly shirt with the frizzy hair is SO poop juicing.
by Ashlodle September 2, 2007
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Bitch 1: What you doin tonite?
Bitch 2: Juicin the moosin
Bitch 1: Can i watch?
Bitch 2: You can help.
by Ante123 June 1, 2007
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The Act of Masturbation, A Phrase that is used to describe Masturbation, obviously taken from the popular Jamba Juice chain of smoothie restaurants
My friend was caught Jamba Juicin it by his mother
by Thornbird April 4, 2010
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1. The act of trying to make love (usually unsuccessfully) to every women at the party.

2. Ejaculatin' all around the room.

Gloria: Man, you shoulda seen Tyrone loose juicin' every girl at that party! 'Still came out dick-dry!

Shanay-Ain't that the truth! Holla!


Man, Johnny Loose-Juiced all over my room! Dang it!
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To arouse some one. To turn someone on.
See that chick dancing with that dude over there she is defiantly Juicin' up his orange. or Juicin' up your orange
by CoCobaby9843 April 8, 2010
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when someone is acting annoying, being loud or talking unnecessarily and incessantly.
"Man can you shut the fuck up? You juicin."

"Stop jumpin around, you juicin"
by clergyactor June 19, 2024
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