someone who is skilled at a great deal of tasks, usually in the same feild, but who lacks suffcient skill in any one specific area.
"He can play guitar, keys and drums, but he just isn't that great"

"Jack-of-all-trades master of none"
by lukio March 17, 2007
A person who appears to be very skilled at everything that he/she attempts.
"John, The Jack Of All Trades, Just Aced All Of His Exams, And Took Our School To The State Finals"
by Soldier 91 January 28, 2005
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If somebody wears far too many pairs of sunglasses, often even indoors, they are considered a Jack Of All Shades.

They're likely to combine the two aspects of owning far too many pairs of sunglasses and wearing sunglasses far too often, just as regularly in a sunny atmosphere as in winter, at night time, or indoors.
Dexter : “Have you seen Carl? He's been wearing sunglasses all day, even in the office.”
Larry : “Wow... I guess he must be a Jack Of All Shades.”
by C L G February 14, 2020
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Jack of All Stats is a Standard Character Type in videogames.

The Jack of All Stats is defined by its lack of weaknesses or strengths. It's greatest strength is a lack of weaknesses, but it's greatest weakness is a lack of strengths.

In terms of game balancing, a Jack of All Stats character is pretty good at everything, but it is sub-par when compared to characters that specialize.

If the Jack of All Stats is next to worthless compared to specialized characters, it is instead known as a Master of None.
If the Jack of All Stats is much more powerful than the specialized characters, it is instead known as a Master of All.
"What build you running?"
"I like being good at everything. I'll run a Jack of All Stats."
"Yeah, sure. Have fun being master of none!"
by suntan50 December 20, 2015
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Something that school aspires to develop its students into, a "jack of all trades" is a well-rounded person who has adapted many skills and is somewhat knowledgeable on many topics but is not an expert (or even an apprentice) in most or even all of the said skills.
Son: Mom I swept my report with C's in all my classes
Parent: Wtf I'm calling the school

-parent proceeds to call the school-

Parent: Wtf my son is a freaking failure how could this happen
Principal: What do you mean, he is a "jack of all trades", he will totally get into a university
Parent: Wtf, is my tax dollars really going into this shit education system
Principal: No, it's going into my wallet.. err I mean uhh, no, it is uhh, going to..
Parent: I'm putting my "jack of all trades" kid up for adoption
by gimme the money June 29, 2016
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Someone who is well read or performs well in a large variety of subjects that is admirable and worth mentioning; but on the other hand doesn't know everything about one thing in particular.
A Jack of all trades is similar to the value of a Jack in a deck of cards. It's a good card, but there are definitely better ones out there.
by PinkKiwi December 16, 2011
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Person who seems to be good at all tasks he/she attempts.
Bo Jackson was a jack of all trades being amazing at baseballand football.
by Matt L. March 16, 2004
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