People who don’t want to admit they are German nazis who control the media, the people, and America. Democrats may be referred to “sleepy joe” supporters who happen to be brainwashed by the fake news media who listened to all the lies that were said by CNN because the democrats were just jealous that Trump being a Republican was successful unlike any past Democratic dictators, therefore they felt the need to attack him, and now everyone is on their side and don’t even know why they hate Trump. It’s sad that half of the country is so ignorant.
Man#1: who’s that man doing the “Sieg Heilgesture?
Man#2: oh, that’s just democrat Joe
by Adolf Bin Un January 13, 2021
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Some who is not really ready for the world yet and most hate America and not ready for work and doesn't like doing work
This democrat doesn't like to work and they aren't read for thr real world
by Thatrepulican20 July 29, 2021
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A angry young white male who believes he is a victim despite being extremely entitled. He believes in taking other peoples stuff through socialism and looting. He also believes in taking everyone's guns and defunding the police so it is easier for him too loot. He claims he is a advocate for women and minorities unless they don't believe exactly what he believes or are just in the wrong place at the wrong time. He usually does not have a girlfriend and if he does she usually dominates him and is extremely dissatisfied.
Look at Brent stealing the TV over there he is such a Democrat.
by Jake McBain November 24, 2020
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political party who raises taxes in order to fund goverment programs to build a stronger country.these goverment programs help the people of america. if you are rich it doesent benifit you to pay taxes because you dont got to worry about sending your kids to a good public school.
ive been in many good and bad schools but those well funded by the goverment were the one of the best highschools in the nation or state well anyway kobe brynat went to one of those(LM)now those that the goverment did not fund were real bad and they aint produceing shit the sad thing about it all theirs alot of smart muther fuckers who go to those schools
by idfuckanything March 17, 2005
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(1)The portion of the American people that realize that the entire world wants them dead because of their country's insistence on raping the rest of the world to make a buck.

(2)Unfortunately, the portion of the American people falsely represented by the Bush administration that will unjustly get their asses kicked when the rest of the world comes knocking
"If only Americans were all republican, then i wouldn't have any sympathy at all"
-The World
by A real christian November 29, 2004
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An astro-turf version of democracy in which corporations initiate, bankroll, and steer social justice movements.

Neoliberal virtue-signaling.

In democratism, corporations who pretend to care about social justice sell products to customers who pretend to hate capitalism.
by sandrashine September 9, 2018
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One of the two main political parties of the United States, or the members or supporters of that party.

In general, the democrats are considered more liberal/left wing and the republicans more conservative/right wing. Although this is correct on average, individual differences in general are larger than party differences and thus individual democrats can easily end up on the right of individual republicans.
Most senators voted in favour of the proposal, with 15 Republicans and 5 Democrats voting against or abstaining.
by Andre December 9, 2004
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