252 definitions by sandrashine

The concept of self-reference as the only paradigm of reality.

The assertion that the material has no reality aside from its aesthetic (appearance (phenomenona)); and is therefore real only in self-reference (meta-"real").

Argues that the linear past is real only in self-reference (aesthetic); that the past is not MATERIALLY real; and that self-reference is indicative of a cyclical future rather than a linear past.

Stipulates self-reference as a paradigm in which time and aesthetic are one.

Indicates that the conscious self appears from the self-reference between the material and the chronistic.
Material is only real insomuch as it is meta-real.
by sandrashine January 26, 2018
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A constructivistically hyperreal paradigm of fascism which eschews Nietzsche's will-to-sense paradigm in favor Schopenhauer's power-to-desire paradigm.

Synthetic fascism substitutes Friedrich Nietzsche's model of nihilism for Kashif Vikaas's model of aesthetic or "meta"-nihilism.

In synthetic fascism will is postulated as having "synthetic" or "false" origins.

The paradigm of 'synthetic' will is also marketed as 'vapor sharia.'
Synthetic fascism replaces Nietzsche's paradigm of will with a contrapositive paradigm: power-to-desire.
by sandrashine June 17, 2018
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Traditionalist primitivism.

A paradigm in which the relationship between archeo-futurism, technological accelerationism, and anarcho-primitivism is schematized as meta-specific.

Meta-primitivism employs contra-referentialization specifically technogical accelerationism to move postmodern subjectivity toward mediumatic annihilation or anihilism.
Meta-primitivism is a meta-punk paradigm in which a new medium can only emerge from extant technogical collapse.
by sandrashine September 16, 2018
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A fantastical representation of the worst sum of all fears.

A representative map used to separate the cognitive (material) from the self-cognitive (affectative) across the node of convergence.

A hell razor that anihilizes (dualizes) the hard problem of materialism.
A thoughtmare is a hypothetical worst-case scenario that helps a sentient entity separate its thoughts (phenomenonology) from its cognitive array (representation).
by sandrashine November 2, 2018
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The future of democracy.

The result of the voluntary response sample.

Bias as a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Ethnocracy is the result of voters seeking confirmation bias at the polls.
by sandrashine November 9, 2018
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African-Asian specifically Middle-Eastern.

Broadly Semitic.
Afrasians are the Semitic peoples of Asia.
by sandrashine July 7, 2018
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Quality of being adjacent in a sequence and completely overlapping in physical space.
Infinity and infinity^infinity are neighbors on a number line.

In physical space, they are completely contiguous (complete).

A relationship-of-continuity-that-is-a-relationship-of-contiguity is a bijective relationship.
by sandrashine June 9, 2020
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