A highly overated pyramid scheme in which, in exchange for four+ years of your life, you get financially raped by the school bookstore, tuition office, and the american educational system. And as a bonus you get a piece of paper called a 'Duh-Gree' which you pin to your shirt so potential employers will know why you are so stupid.
EMPLOYER: So why do want to work here?
EX-STUDENT: Because I went to college, and therefore I am entitled to a high paying job.
EMPLOYER: Of course. I think you will do well with us. Here is a corner cubicle where you'll spend the rest of your life complaining about why you never get a raise and dot.com dropouts are making more than you.
EX-STUDENT: Sounds great! The job world isn't so hard after all.
by m1z_w1z_11 September 2, 2005
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A place of conformity, stuck-up people, stds and brainwashing. Overpriced and worthless.
When College rejects you for admission, don't get upset. Be thankful that you dodged a bullet.
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I'll be retirin' soon, and the kids is gettin' too old for no one to notice if I kill 'em...
by retarded student November 25, 2003
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Supposedly the best years of your life. More accurately, a hellhole that knows no mercy and loves to beat you down and make you feel worthless. (See UC Berkeley)
College is supposed to be the best years of my life. I now want to kill myself if these are the "best" years.
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A place where you look for a sense of belonging while eating yourself into a food coma.
I ate myself into a food coma in college.
by urbanflurbin February 25, 2015
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Educators don't think of students as purchasers of a service (customers)
by anonymous March 3, 2004
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All the way up until the late 1990's, if you had a college degree you stood out like a sore thumb on a job application. You were almost guaranteed a management position out of the box. Now days, everybody and their brother has some sort of degree, and since there is a high volume of degree holders in the market, the value of them has dropped significantly. As of 2009, there are more BA's and MA's working at Starbucks and grocery stores than ever before according to Forbes.

College use to be super cheap (UCLA/UCSB/Berkeley being only 10k a year including room/board/tuition back in the late 90's). Now those same schools are 27k a year. The average undergraduate having over a 100k dollars in student loan debt.

What I'm trying to say is that college use to be a no brainer investment, but now it is just the opposite. Unless you qualify for some serious FAFSA, Pell or Cal Grants, don't bother going because it simply isn't worth the debt if you're paying it out of your pocket. Instead, use the money you save by not going and invest into real estate or create your own business and be your own boss. Don't fall into the trap by thinking college is the only way to be successful
There are 1000's of college blogs, filled with 1000's of threads, with 1000's of posts of people who graduated with a 6 figure debt and are still working the same lame job they had in high school. Lets face it, no one out there gives two craps about what your interpretation of Shakespeare is, or if you know the definition of libertarianism.

Watch Steve Job's Stanford Commencement on youtube.
by life1221 July 4, 2009
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