After you get done eating expired ice cream.
I was blowing chunks so hard i needed a net to catch the left-overs, and i needed to hold on to my grandmothers toliet holder. I felt relieved afterwards.XD
by GAY. you will spam me! liars! December 10, 2009
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v 1. to vomit.
"I drank so much I thought I was going to blow chunks."
by MF September 6, 2002
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to throw up violently in a bathroom stall

to give oral to some boy named Chunks
I was blowing chunks the day i got sick

Oh my god! She's blowing Chunks!
by um... not Bridget... May 9, 2005
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When a girl throws up after a particularly nasty blow job.
I saw her blow chunks. It was a gross mixture of cum and vegetarian lasagna.
by chunkmeister August 21, 2009
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1. An expression to summarise a bad personal experience.
1. Person 1: "I met this girl and she just used me for a free meal."
Person 2: Man that must blow chunks.
by Giulio Campobassi April 5, 2006
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when a guy is making out with a girl and he pukes in her mouth. then the girl gives the guy a blow job
dude my girlfriend was blowing chunks last night and it felt soooo good!
by sji9274 January 27, 2010
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when you have gas built up behind your crap and suddenly need to go to the bathroom, and once you sit down u shoot the crap so hard it makes the water splash your ass. anlso known as projectile shitting.
Aw, now my ass is all wet because i was blowing chunks backwards.
by Wolfman (not boy you mofo) January 24, 2009
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