A word used when you're trying to embellish something that clearly didn't happen that way. Usually used when you're trying to sound cool, though by using this word you are the complete opposite.
"Hey, guess what? I just got a car!"

"What kind of car?"

"I got an actual Hummer. An actual Hummer, no chizz"
by Glides April 3, 2010
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A stage of intoxication through the use of marijuana. It commonly occurs after around 10 cones, where you become very relaxed and comfortable, and you take a nap.
I think Terry just entered the chizz zone, hes felling asleep.
by ChizzGod December 25, 2019
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substitution for God, fuck, shit, hell or any bad word

most commonly used in school

when you dont wanna get caught for using a bad word in front of you parents or teachers

can be used with different endings
oh my god! -- oh my chizz!
fuck my ass--- chizz my ass
oh shit! nice! --- oh chizz! nice!
what the hell? --- what the chizz?
i already peed --- i already chizzed
is he shitting? --- is he chizzing?
by Jvi March 7, 2010
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The cheese flavored, jizz-like substance used to cheese-up macaroni and cheese. It is highly concentrated and if you eat it streight it tastes like salty crap.
we put that packet of chizz under that car's tire, heh, it splattered everywhere.
by jim October 7, 2005
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Jizz on someone's chin. Sometimes, after someone gets skeeted on, they forget to wipe it all of, and a smidge remains on their chin. Chin + jizz = chizz
Hey, did you just get skeeted on? Because you got a little chizz left on your face.
by Devveyovich September 22, 2010
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Used as a replacement for cool or sweet, chiefly in the Otherland series of books.
We're going to hack the system
by T4b April 4, 2006
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The mixture you get when you combine jizz and macaroni and cheese. It's considered a delicacy in Akron, Ohio.
I bottled that jizz from last night and made macaroni and chizz for breakfast.
by Taylor//Kelsey January 18, 2010
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