some one who makes fun or is mean to a person for no good reason
your a bagger
by asdf May 19, 2003
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Sweatpants that ankle swing and are extremely baggy, unacceptable to wear in public.
Matt was wearing his beanie, hoodie and his baggers.
by weki September 14, 2018
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High school kids who still 'bag' their lunches, looked at by other kids as being too poor to buy lunch at school. Hence called 'baggers'. Also lumped into the overall term: Baggers and Bussers
One HS kid to Another: Dude bags every day, eats a cheese sandwich and an apple!

Another: Baggers Banquet! Cheese sandwich on white!
by July 13, 2009
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General term for a motorcycle equipped with saddlebags for storage. Sometimes used to describe the riders of such motorcycles, stereotypically affluent, older white men who only ride on weekends.
I got tired of lugging my stuff around in a backpack, so I traded my sport bike for a bagger.

Is he a hard-core rider?
Nah, he's just a bagger.
by Capt. America is Dead August 26, 2009
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These are the criminals of the world. People that are baggers would steal candy from a baby and are sodm. You can catch them at the local bar at noon because they do not want to get a job because they are happily living off food stamps, however those who aren't completely sodm and have a job often complain when they get paid minimum wage for doing a small job. They also find a way to always get in trouble with the police for committing crimes but complain by saying that they are targeted. Baggers are found all over the world except for North Korea because everyone in North Korea loves their leader.
1. Person 1:"I hate baggers so much!"

Person 2:"What happened"

Person 1:"A bagger stole my lunch and took candy from my kid."

Person 2:"Wow that's sodm"

2. "Why is the bagger population growing"
by roflrofl57 April 1, 2017
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A Baggers is what becomes of a man after he's been D.Frenched.
Baggers : "My life was going well as a highly paid TV talk show celeb. But after the Frenching. I'm just ... barely clinging on to my happieness..."
by TheBigRedButton April 28, 2011
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A shy man with a very large appendage, that is afraid to release it upon the world.
Elizabeth: "Hey Claudia, do you see that shy guy over there? I hear he is a bit of a baggers."

Claudia "Omg really!? That's shy Alex. I had no idea!"
by Jack Spanker May 4, 2018
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