When a nigga is playing little boy games and you trying to be for real with him.
Like you on some baby boy shit and I’m just trying to be with you.
by Huhhhhhhh October 14, 2018
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A person who is both king of jerks, and babies.
Bob: I hear you broke up with Diana last night.
Jack: Yeah, she had a crazy temper tantrum; she almost stabbed me with a fork!
Bob: Well you cheated on her, so it makes sense. I think you should talk to her.
Jack: No, fuck her, and I don't wanna get stabbed.
Bob: Dude, you are such a piece of baby dog shit.
by Rdcatfish302 July 25, 2011
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A shit so big and/or painful, it feels like you have given birth out of your butthole.
Will you bring me some ice chips and baby wipes? I swear I just had a shit baby.
by kracken4rmthesea January 3, 2010
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A shit-baby occurs when you get backed up for days. Let's just say that sometimes people need some fiber/activia/laxative etc. When you get backed up for days the belly starts to protrude and people my think you are pregnant because of the rounded stomach.
Girl 1: Hey girl are you pregnant?
Girl 2: Nah, I just haven't pooped for 3 weeks.
Girl 1: Oh I see. You have a shit-baby.
Girl 2: Well yes I do.
by McJoselyn November 2, 2008
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A Shit baby is a shit so large that it takes more than a couple flushes and maybe a plunger, usually taking up to an hour to birth. Be sure to watch out for any After-shit if you experience or enter a bathroom previously used to birth a Shit baby"
Kevin: "Ryan, why'd you take so long on the toilet?"
Ryan: "Sorry man, had to birth a Shit baby AND wipe up the After-shit."
Kevin: "Ew, Ryan, TMI."
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a guy who leads you on in a "relationship", and then doesn't have the balls to dump you when its over, but uses made up lame excuses instead of saying "its just not working for me any more", basically treats you like shit and can't end it like a man
Shit Baby told me he heard some things I had said about him, and that was why he wouldn't answer my calls or texts.
by flufferbot March 27, 2013
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A Shit Baby is someone who's so useless, dumb, and dependent that it can't even come out the right hole. Instead of coming out of the pussy, it comes out of the ass while the mother is shitting; indicating why it's a Shit Baby.
That boy Pedro is such a shit baby he can't even use the bathroom on his own.
by PtheGcomingfromD August 27, 2017
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